Sunday 26 August 2012

Issue 75, January 2011

Nation Revisited
# 75, January 2011,
Happy New Year
We enter 2011 with a coalition government slashing public spending in an effort to reduce our staggering national debt. Students are rioting against tuition fees and militant trade unionists are trying to rally support for strikes and demonstrations. But the rest of us accept that we cannot go on borrowing to fund an inflated civil service and a welfare system open to the entire world.

William Joyce and John Amery were hanged for treason to Britain; Joyce for broadcasting German propaganda during the war and Amery for trying to recruit British volunteers to fight on the Russian Front. They did no tangible harm to Britain, unlike Tony Blair and Gordon Brown who wrecked the economy, dumped millions of immigrants on a shrinking labour market and made our cities targets for terrorists by backing the so-called war on terror. Surely we hanged the wrong men?

Dave Cameron and Nick Clegg are marginally better than the Labour Party but that’s not saying much; Genghis Khan would be better than the Labour Party. We can only hope that the Liberal Democrats will counter the Jurassic wing of the Tory Party who would drag us back to Thatcherism, and that the pragmatic Tories will moderate the lunatic fringe of the Lib Dems. So far the coalition is hanging together but the Tory ‘bastards’ are waiting their chance.

Almost every industrial country is in deficit but our newspapers are so steeped in schadenfreude that they haven’t noticed that we owe £1 trillion to British and overseas bondholders. Honouring these bonds and meeting interest payments costs us £43 billion a year. Some irresponsible voices have called for Britain to default. But if we did our pension funds and insurance companies would collapse and we would lose our international credit rating. Bankruptcy is not an option for a country that needs to import food and oil.

Great nations like Germany enjoy prosperity and security without building aircraft carriers and buying prohibitivelly expensive American missile systems. We should maintain sufficient forces to defend the homeland and bring our troops home from Afghanistan. NATO is an instrument of American foreign policy that has outlived its usefulness. The perceived threat of the Cold War is long past and we cannot afford to fight wars that serve no British interest. We are not a great empire with abundant manpower and resources. We are a European state with too many people and diminishing reserves. It will take a great national effort to return to solvency but if the present crisis teaches us to accept reality it will not have been in vain.

Calling time
In the old days pubs were plentiful and profitable. In parts of London there were pubs on most street corners supplied by half a dozen competing breweries. Today the licensed trade is declining and many traditional pubs have been turned into flats. This transformation has been happening at a steady rate for the past thirty years but it has recently accelerated.

The smoking ban has been blamed. Drinkers that smoke have to choose between standing outside in the rain or staying at home and blowing smoke over the wife and kids. But the smoking ban is a recent development and doesn’t explain why so many pubs closed before it was enforced. 

When a pub shuts down in a big city there is usually another one within walking distance but in a village it’s a different story. Most villages had two or three pubs but now they are lucky to have one. They are shutting their doors for want of customers. When a village pub closes the local residents are up in arms but if they had patronised it in sufficient numbers it would still be open. 

Pubs are dying in the same way that cinemas did before them. If you want to go to the cinema you now face a journey to a city centre that involves expensive public transport or parking fees. The cinemas that sprouted like mushrooms in the 1930s have nearly all gone. It will be the same with pubs in the future.

The success of a national chain of pub restaurants goes against the trend. By buying beer in volume and keeping prices low they offer their customers good value for money. Some of them charge half as much as independent pubs and they cater to shoppers, travellers and theatre goers who are looking for food as well as drink.

Service in pubs and restaurants is much better today. There were always some good publicans but many of them thought that they were doing you a favour by serving you. They kept prices high and threw you out as soon as possible. But economic reality and flexible opening times have put many of them out of business. 

Drinkers can buy alcohol at the supermarket for a fraction of the price charged by the publicans. They don’t have to tolerate the rudeness and indifference of people who thought that running a pub was an easy way to make a living. And they do not risk arrest for drinking and driving.

People today are more health conscious, ambitious and house proud. They have comfortable homes and do not have to visit saloon bars to enjoy a bit of comfort. In the old days working men did not expect to go on holiday, own a car or live in well furnished homes. They lived in a culture of low expectations that excused drunkenness and they organised their lives around opening times. That way of life is fast disappearing and the local pub is going the same way as the cinema, the corner shop, the bingo hall and the dog track. This will leave some people crying in their beer but history is calling time on the traditional pub.
Read European Action a bi-monthly publication in support of a National Party for Europe. Edited by Robert Edwards.

Tuition Fees
If we want to have doctors, engineers and lawyers in the future we have to educate our young people. Some of them spend their time at university smoking dope and fornicating but plenty of them take their studies seriously and get good degrees. There are many ways of funding education without saddling students with debts that they cannot afford. The simplest way would be for employers to pay back the money. Many graduates go to work for established corporations that can afford to pay. And thousands more are employed by the state. 

The behaviour of students protesting at tuition fees was unacceptable but understandable. Why should kids that have never earned any money pay for the future infrastructure of the country? But they disgraced themselves by disrespecting the Cenotaph. Few people will mind them urinating on Sir Winston Churchill’s statue; he was just another contentious politician but the Cenotaph commemorates over a million British soldiers slaughtered in two fratricidal wars.

The police are placed in an impossible position. If they are too aggressive they are liable to kill somebody and if they stand back the mob takes control. The attack on Prince Charles and Camilla could have resulted in the Royal Protection Squad opening fire in Regents Street during Christmas shopping. We could have had a bloodbath in the heart of London because a mob of protesters chanced upon the Royals on their way to the theatre. 

This situation has been brewing since the Poll Tax riots that helped to bring down Margaret Thatcher. The police were overwhelmed then and they only just kept control in the recent riots. It cannot be left to police officers, however high ranking, to make what are in effect political decisions.

The government must make it clear that people who threaten public order or poke harmless old women with sticks will be severely dealt with. Instead of using contractors to clean up the mess and remove graffiti from public buildings we should have made the protesters do the work. A couple of days scrubbing walls and pavements would do them good and remind them of the dignity of labour.  Anyone who refused to work on the clean up could do six months in prison. 

Tuition fees are part of an austerity programme that cannot be avoided. When Britain and the rest of the world are returned to economic sanity we can take a good look at the way we run our affairs. But until then we have little choice but to buckle down, work hard and pay off our debts. And that includes students.

What are we?
Those of us who grew up in the last days of the British Empire are resolutely British. When asked to state our nationality we do not hesitate to say British. But younger generations insist on being English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh. TV pictures from Afghanistan show Scottish soldiers flying St Andrew’s cross from their vehicles and English soldiers with St George’s cross. The British Army has always recruited from the four countries of the United Kingdom but they always fought under the Union Jack. This move away from Britishness has been encouraged by football, devolution and government propaganda celebrating racial diversity. Of course race, culture and nationality are different things but they tend to be confused and we are left wondering what we are supposed to be.

GK Chesterton said: “the world is what we chose to make it, and we are what we chose to make ourselves.”  Francis Parker Yockey and Ezra Pound were Americans but they risked their lives and liberty for Europe. And our comrade Otto Abaysakera was of German and Sri Lankan heritage but he fought for Britain on the streets of London against a vicious gang of thugs that originated in Eastern Europe and identified with Israel.

But even Israel has conflicts of identity. Black Jews from Ethiopia have been recognised by the religious authorities but they are still discriminated against by white Jews from Europe. But who are the real Jews? St John wrote in Revelation 2:9, “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” Recent immigrants from America are the most fanatical of the Israeli squatters on Palestinian land. Native Israelis are mostly looking for a peaceful solution.

The Chinese have Uigers, Tibetans and Mongols in their border regions but in China proper they are all the same people. Few nations are as united as the Chinese; an ancient race with a culture of deep commitment to their ancestors and a traditional suspicion of foreigners.
It would be a great pity if the United Kingdom split up but nobody can rewrite our history or take away our achievements. It was the British collectively that conquered half the world and installed English as a global language. The United States and what we used to call the White Dominions are heavily populated by British settlers. And our great industrial cities absorbed millions of workers from all over the British Isles. How will the nationalist nitpickers unscramble them?

The youngsters can be whatever they like but those of us who proudly stood to attention in the playground on Empire Day will always be British. We have never had to show passports within the UK and we do not feel like foreigners when we visit Edinburgh, Belfast or Cardiff. There’s no doubt that the nations of the British Isles have their own cultures and identities but whatever happens in the future we will remain united by ties of blood and history.

Adjusted morality
Political correctness is the new religion and new dogmas have replaced old ones. According to the new orthodoxy questioning the Holocaust is the worst sin, closely followed by not celebrating racial diversity with sufficient enthusiasm.  Adultery, drunkenness and drug taking are not taken very seriously anymore; murder is now punished by a five year prison sentence, embezzlement is treated as a misdemeanour and child molesters are usually given a good talking to. But offenders against the liberal consensus are routinely hounded out of their jobs and thrown into prison for as long as possible.

Sex offences would probably have been decriminalised altogether but for the emergence of the puritanical Tea Party movement in the United States. The super patriots led by Sarah Palin are against sexual freedom; they even condemn masturbation as ‘un-American.’ They are not racists but they are fanatically pro-Israel. In fact they are more Zionist than the Jewish community. Plenty of American Jews condemn the occupation of Palestine but the tea-baggers are all for it.

Before US President Barack Obama was elected it was hoped that his family history would make him critical of Zionism. But he has disappointed fair-minded Americans by following exactly the same foreign policies as George W Bush. Unlike Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner who has joined Uruguay and Brazil in recognising Palestine within her 1967 borders, as specified in UN Resolution 242. 

Europeans have never understood the American mindset. We cannot understand how a civilized nation can support the brutal occupation of Palestine.  And we wonder at their breathtaking hypocrisy when they lecture the Chinese on human rights. Edgar Steele is right when he says that America is the second most hated country in the world.

WikiLeaks has revealed that defence secretary Liam Fox promised to buy American military equipment when the Tories came to power. And that foreign secretary William Hague told the American Ambassador: “we need a pro-American regime – the world needs a pro-American regime.” He added that the Conservative leadership was “staunchly Atlanticist” and that we are all “children of Thatcher.” One is reminded of Stanley Kubrick who said: “The great nations have always acted like gangsters, and the small nations like prostitutes.”

Support for NATO and American foreign policy is another article in the catechism of political correctness. The anti-Europeans talk about national sovereignty but they know that if we tried to go-it-alone we would end up as another state of the USA. Union with America is a legitimate point of view that has always appealed to the right wing of the Tory Party. They are entitled to their opinions but they shouldn’t pretend to be defending British interests when they accept American hegemony. Still we must forgive their deception. It’s not as though they are questioning the Holocaust or multi-racialism - that really would be unforgivable.

Putting the cart before the horse
The British press coverage of the Irish economic crisis was patronising and negative. The Irish ran out of money, just as we did, but our newspapers implied that this was the result of a ‘feckless’ Irish lifestyle. Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan had similar ideas about the Great Famine of the 1840s. He thought that it was divine punishment on them for being Catholic, and he described the famine as a “mechanism for reducing surplus population.”

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Daily Telegraph adopted the term ‘Club Med’ when Greece came under pressure and gleefully predicted that Italy and Spain would be next. But Iceland, Britain, Ireland and Belgium have all got sovereign debt problems and they are far from the Mediterranean. He has been reporting for the last decade that Germany will scrap the euro and go back to the mark. Most economists are Monetarists or Keynesians but he seems to belong to the Herrenvolk school; a radical faction that studies the cephalic index instead of the FTSE index. The fact is that countries go bust if they borrow too much money - in any currency. Ireland simply borrowed more that she could afford, just like Britain and the USA.

A common market requires a strong central bank and a single fiscal authority. Ireland and Greece have been bailed out on condition that they accept European Central Bank supervision. Old-fashioned nationalist parties like Sinn Fein are screaming about ‘sovereignty’ but there is no alternative. Jeffrey Hamm saw the dangers of economic disunity thirty years ago. 

From time to time we draw attention to the flaws in the EEC, in grave danger of failure and collapse because it put the cart before the horse, seeking to create a common market before a common government. A truly common market is of vital importance , with the industries and agriculture of our continent dedicated to maximum production, not for export but for consumption by our European peoples. There is a vast market within Europe for all that Europe can produce, and it should be insulated against the undercutting of Asia and the communist bloc. But Europe needs more, much more, than an economic policy. It needs faith, a profound belief in the cause of European unity. Europe needs a European government for its defence and the leadership of its economy, with national governments for all internal affairs, and regional administrations for local matters and for the preservation of the ancient languages and cultures of our continent. Within that concept there is no clash between a healthy nationalism and patriotism on the one hand, and a devotion to the Europe of which our respective nations are a part. (Action July 1981)

Rupert Murdoch and Richard Desmond will not prevent European unity. Progress is slow but within living memory we were bombing Germany to destruction and our continent was starving and devastated. Today we are at peace and we lead the world in scientific and social achievement. Europe will not be undone by the press barons of Canary Wharf who are driven by prejudice and obsessed with world trade.

Francis Parker Yockey had the measure of these ‘sclerotic-brained old men.’
But the greatest opposition of all has not yet been named, the conflict which will take up all the others into itself. This is the battle of the idea of the unity of the West against the nationalism of the 19th century. Here stand opposed the ideas of Empire and petty-statism, large-space thinking and political provincialism. Here find themselves opposed the miserable collection of yesterday-patriots and the custodians of the Future. The yesterday-nationalists are nothing but the puppets of the extra-European forces that conquer Europe by dividing it. To the enemies of Europe, there must be no rapprochement, no understanding, no union of the old units of Europe into a new unit, capable of carrying on 20th century politics.

The nations of the world will pay back what they owe and learn to live within budgets. Western democratic governments survive by bribing electorates with goods and services beyond their means; and capitalism always looks for the lowest labour costs. But markets and governments are transient. The rise of Brazil, Russia, India and China will force us to rethink the way that we are governed and do business. Europe and America cannot go on exporting jobs and importing cheap goods and cheap labour; their social structures will break under the strain. Political and economic systems will be swept away by forces beyond the control of the laissez faire capitalists. They will try to prop up the old regime and use everything from the emotional blackmail of patriotism to fabricated data. But eventually we will abandon free trade and open borders and embrace fortress Europe – if we have enough Europeans to man the fort.

The current European Union is far from perfect but it’s a step in the right direction; a step towards self-sufficiency and away from global capitalism. Britain is still clinging to the ‘Special Relationship’ but America’s staggering national debt is unsustainable. With India, Brazil and Russia fast catching up with China the days of the present system are numbered. Mosley used to say: “in a street full of grocers shops they cannot all make a living.” The same is true for nations. Japan has been overtaken by China and other countries are competing in the same markets. Sooner or later global capitalism will reach saturation point and the nations of the world will realign into geopolitical entities.

Britain’s future will not be decided by reactionary Tories or nostalgic nationalists. The newspapers are solidly anti-European but only 17 Westminster MPs (2.6%) have signed up to the Better Off Out campaign. Under the present system we are dependent on world trade, our armed forces and our nuclear missiles are under NATO command and we are bound by the rules of the American dominated World Trade Organisation. Instead of being half-hearted Europeans we should take our place as equal partners in the world’s greatest trading bloc. Britain led the Industrial Revolution and we are in the forefront of the latest technologies that are changing the world. There is no shortage of talent in Britain but we must ignore the negative propaganda of the mass media and put our faith in the future.

This is John Bean’s response to Neil Clark’s article on the First Post website headed ‘Vichy Britain.’ This was a condemnation of the Tory grovelling to America revealed by WikiLeaks.

Yes this needed saying and I agree with much of the tenor of his exposure but not completely. This is obviously not the work of the US converted Aussie Rupert Murdoch who runs half of Britain’s media.  It is published by Felix Dennis the former editor of the left wing magazine Oz. And it is written by Neil Clark best known for his articles in the Guardian. It is anti-American throughout - despite the author’s claim not to be – as opposed to rightfully criticising the US for instigating its wars from Vietnam onwards. All this is to be praised and he does a service by pointing out that our embarrassing sycophancy has emphasized our ‘Vichy’ role in supporting not only their wars but by implication their pro-Israel actions. But I would prosecute Julian Assange the left wing oddball behind WikiLeaks.

I know that you would say that our only answer to this extreme downgrading of Britain’s 21st century role is to become integrated into the European State. People like EU Commission President Jose Barroso (the Portuguese Maoist) and former commissars and Marxist sympathisers now have the EU fully under control – and not forgetting the far-left Labour female peer Catherine Ashton – who nobody ever voted for – who poses as its ‘foreign secretary.’

What do you say to their latest idea at a conference in Libya last week that they want to set up a Europe-Africa organisation which by 2050 will bring in a common financial organisation with equal rights for movement of all its joint citizens, according to a BNP website comment?

This is not Mosley’s “Europe-Africa concept” It will just guarantee Europe’s elimination as a white homeland.

The MEPs have virtually no influence whatsoever, so I cannot support your view of working within the present structure. Obviously as Neil Clark makes quite clear we cannot continue as an isolated lickspittle of the US and we cannot visualise being another ‘Norway’ for we have too many people - even if 20% of them are non-European.

It is back to my Confederation of Europe concept again, my friend.

Editor’s Reply.        
Jose Barroso’s closing speech to the Europe-Africa Conference makes no mention of free movement of labour or financial convergence.

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